Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA) Program

The Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA) aims to strengthen Arabic foreign language instruction by establishing a native speaker presence at U.S. educational institutions. Both public and private school teachers of English can apply for the FLTA Program. Public school teachers must apply through their academies of the Ministry of Education. Private school teachers apply directly to MACECE.
The program enables young educators to improve their teaching skills by serving as teaching assistants or primary teachers of Arabic in an American university. It also allows them to engage in non-degree studies by taking at least two courses per semester. FLTAs experience American life at many levels, in communities and universities and colleges throughout America.
Applicants must be teachers of English or in training to become teachers of English. They must have at least a Bachelor’s degree (licence), and a teaching experience of no less than one academic year and no more than seven years. Candidates are pre-selected and then interviewed by a MACECE Selection Committee in Rabat. Final selection and university placements take place in the USA.
In addition to teaching Arabic language, FLTAs are often called upon to be:
- Leaders in university Arabic conversation groups
- Cultural representatives of Morocco, the Arab World, and Islam
- Guest speakers in courses around the university and in the community
- Supervisors of language clubs, language houses, and language tables
Each host university tailors the Assistantship to fit its own language teaching needs.
Applicants should be teachers of English or in training to become teachers of English with the following requirements:
- Moroccan citizenship
- Should be residing in Morocco throughout the nomination and selection process
- Bachelor’s degree (licence) in English studies
- No more than seven years of teaching experience
- Fluency in both English and Arabic
- Minimum score of 79-80 on the internet-based TOEFL (IBT).
- Applicants who have active applications or have applied recently for permanent residency or the green card lottery will not be considered
- Employees of Amideast or any U.S. mission who work for the U.S. Department of State are ineligible for grants during and for a period ending one year following the termination of their employment
- Like all Fulbright programs, FLTAs pledge to return to Morocco upon completion of the program
- Individuals who are employees or close family members or dependents of employees of MACECE, the MACECE board, the US Embassy or the US Department of State or its cooperating agencies are ineligible to apply for the program.
- J-1 visa support
- A pre-departure orientation
- Round-trip, economy class travel from Morocco to and within the U.S.
- Summer Orientation in the U.S.
- Accident and sickness health benefits plan during the program
- Living stipend
- Housing is either on campus or off campus where a monthly housing allowance is provided
- Leadership skills
- Ability to play the dual role of a teaching assistant and a student
- Ability to motivate students
- Applicants should be active on and off campus in the local community
- Proficiency in both English and Arabic
Applications are completed online.
Please read FLTA 2025-2026 Online Application Instructions before and while completing your online application.
Applicants must upload all the required documents stated below to their online application (except for the letters of recommendation) . Soft copies of all documents must be also sent to Program Officer Ahlam Daoudi at [email protected]
Before submitting your application, please review 2025- 2026 Fulbright FLTA Application Checklist to ensure you have submitted a complete application.
Please note that public school teachers need to apply through their employer, the Ministry of Education. They are pre-selected by the Ministry of education. MACECE contacts the teachers who are nominated by the Ministry of Education to continue the application process.
Application deadline: August 5
Required documents:
- Certified copies of university transcripts + certified English translation
- Certified copies of university diploma(s) + certified English translation
- Resume/CV (A compilation of work experience, education, skills, other activities.
- Three letters of recommendation from the university professors under whom you have studied or pursued research or by someone who has supervised you in work. The recommendation letters should be written in English and must be submitted by the recommenders through the online application.
- Private school applicants must provide letter(s) or certificate(s) from the school(s) where they teach or have taught to prove their teaching experience
- A recent passport-sized photo of the applicant
- Copy of the applicant’s passport, if available
Note on plagiarism
Applicants must construct their own answers for essays and all questions in the FLTA application. Plagiarism will not be tolerated at any level and applicants who do plagiarize will be automatically disqualified to participate in the program. If applicants want to cite material, they must use proper citation techniques and failure to do so will be detected.
From the Oxford English Dictionary:
“Plagiarism is the wrongful appropriation or purloining and publication as one’s own, of the ideas, or the expression of
the ideas of another”
- March: Program announcement
- August 5: Application deadline
- September: Interviews
- March through June: placement process
- July: Pre-Departure Orientation
- Late July through August: Departures to the U.S.
Prospective Fulbright participants should be aware that public health conditions, availability of consular services and travel, as well as U.S. institutional operating status and policies may affect their ability to travel to the U.S. and participate in academic programs.
Who are the eligible people to apply?
Both public and private school English teachers are eligible to apply. Teacher trainees are also eligible.
What is the minimum required teaching experience?
Private school teachers must have at least one year of teaching experience. Public school teachers should check with the Ministry of Education.
What is the maximum required teaching experience?
Both public and private school teachers must not have more than 7 years of teaching experience
What diploma should I have to be eligible to apply?
Applicants must have at least a B.A. in English.
Can a green card holder apply for the program?
No, applicants with a green card are ineligible to apply for any of our programs. Also, applicants with active permanent residency (lottery) application are ineligible.