Fulbright (SIR) Program - MACECE

Fulbright (SIR) Program

Fulbright Scholar In-Residence (SIR)

This is a program for U.S. higher education institutions to host Moroccan scholars to teach in areas of expertise and provide cross-cultural or international perspective to promote curriculum and program development. The presence of a scholar in the American institution contributes in enhancing the institution international studies programs as well as expanding international cooperation. Fulbright SIRs are expected to be active on campus as well as in their communities.

Program dates:

SIR grants are offered for either one semester or one academic year.

Eligibility /Ineligibility
  • Moroccan citizen
  • English proficiency
  • Demonstrate cross-cultural sensitivity and flexibility needed to adjust successfully to life in the United States.
  • Applicants should be cultural ambassadors who contribute in the mutual understanding between Americans and Moroccans
  • Preference is given to those without recent experience in the U.S.

Persons applying for or holding permanent residence in the United States are not eligible.

  • Attending conferences
  • Completing doctoral dissertations
  • Travel and consultation at multiple institutions, or
  • Clinical medical research involving patient contact

For more information about the program, please click on the following link: